Today was a regular day! We did our sort and wrote in our notebooks! We did our reading early. We went to music and American Idol is on Friday. We did not go to recess, but then we went to lunch. We learned about measurement! Then we had science.
Blog Challenge: What is your favorite grade?
Also, check out our local astronaut's blog post from space! Remind me to talk about it Wednesday during science! – Miss W.
My favorite grade is 2 grade because are class got to do COSTELLO’S CAFE!!!!!!!!
Mine was 1st grade because you could do all your homework in one day!
My favorite grade is 2nd grade because I was with my best friends and we got to do fun activities like Costello county and Costello Cafe~ 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Mine was 1st because you did not have to do that much work!
Mine was 2nd grade because my teacher was so nice and she never yelled through the whole year and she had a girl line and a boy line, a girl table and a boy table and i was with all my friends! Every week someone has to bring in a poster about them and a snack.We also took turns sitting in a bean-bag on the rug…GO MS.FANNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
My favorite grade is first grade because it was easier than third grade!
2nd grade