We had a great day. After we got our fractions test out of the way, we read some more Cinderella stories. Our wiki is really coming along!
Last night was the final game of the NCAA tournament. UConn won, which means Sarah is our 2011 class champion! Congratulations, Sarah!
Blog Challenge: What is one thing you have learned about another country or culture by reading a Cinderella story?
If 12 people answer, I will give you three letters!
That some are vilont.
I learned that in different countries there are a lot of slaves and maids.
The german book two girls get their eyes poked out and their heels cut off and some of thier toes
The Koren Cinderella story I learned that there are magic animals and some of them help the main character.
I learned that difrint contreys have difrint storys and was of teacing lessons!
I learned that in different countries there are some times magic but not always
I wonder if he is up in space yet
I learned that in different places around the world people speak different languages and live a totally different life style.
I wish I went up in space and walk on the moon it would be very fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPACE
i learned that diffrent countries have diffrent amount of people
I learned that not all Cinderella stories have a big event and proof of identity.
I learned that alot of them have different cultures
I learned that different Cinderella stories are different.