3-2-1 Nonfiction!

This assignment is in place of Raz-Kids this week.  You may complete it any time before next Monday.

Step 1:  Go to http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Animals/CreatureFeature.

Step 2:  Click on an animal you find interesting.  Do not choose an animal that one of your classmates already chose.  Read about your animal.

Step 3:  Tell us the name of your animal.  Cut and paste the website address so that we can quickly go to your animal's page.

Step 4:  Tell us three things you learned about your animal.

Step 5:  Ask two questions about your animal that someone could answer by clicking on your link.

Step 6:  Answer one of your classmates' questions.

27 thoughts on “3-2-1 Nonfiction!

  1. I chose the SLOTH.

    Three Facts I Learned:
    1. Sloths sleep up to 20 hours every day!
    2. There are two-toed and three-toed sloths.
    3. Sloths can turn their heads almost all the way around because they have extra bones in their necks!

    Two Questions For You:
    1. Where do sloths live?
    2. What do sloths eat?

    One Answer to Your Questions:
    1. I will have to wait until someone else asks a question!

  2. http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/bottlenose-dolphin/
    I chose the bottlenose Dolphin.
    1. Bottenose dolphins send messages to one another in diffent ways, for a emtpy they can alert each other to possible dangers.
    2. Each individal dolphin seems to have it’s own singrature whistle.
    3. Bottlenose dolphins look like they might be grinning, their smiles are formed by the way their mouths curve.
    4. They have been known to approach boats and people in water in a seemingly friendly fashion.

    1. Can dolphins smell?
    2. What is a group of dolphins called?

    Miss Williams question
    Sloths eat leaves, flower petles, and other plants products.

  3. Alex
    Each zebra has a different paternal of stripes
    A baby zebra is called a foul
    Zebras eat grass
    Do zebras need shade
    Are baby zebras a different coler then others
    Miss Williams awnser is kawalas live in tree

  4. a balled eagles head. females are a bit bigger then males.
    in the wild they can grow up to be 35 or older.
    how big is a females wing spand?
    what are baby eagles called?
    what do they eat?

  5. I chose the Gray Wolf.

    Three facts I learned:
    1.Wolves howl to send messages to each other.
    2.Baby wolves stay with parents 2-3 years until they join a pack or start their own pack.
    3.Wolves use the scent of urine to mark their territory.

    1.What makes up a pack of wolves?
    2.Which of the wolf’s 5 senses does it use the best?

    Eden’s answer is: Yes, Bottlenose Dolphins can hear.

  6. Tigers are easy to find with their black and orange stripes.
    Tigers hunt alone.
    Tigers start hunting at dark.
    how many pounds of meat does a tiger eat in one night?
    where do tigers live?
    do tigers like the water?
    Answer to Jack N.
    babies are called eagelets

  7. Koala

    1. A newborn koala is only the size of a jellybean.
    2. Koalas smell like cough drops because of their diet of eucalyptus leaves.
    3. Although they look like teddy bears and are called bears, they are not bears.

    1. At what month does the koala leave its mothers pouch to eat leaves?
    2. What is the name of the substance the joey feeds on from its mother? The substance comes from the intestines of the mother

    answer to Austin’s question: the tiger eats up to 60 pounds of meat in one night

  8. http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Animals/CreatureFeature/Cheatahs
    I choose a Cheetah
    The cheetah is the fastest mammal on land. It can reach speeds of 60 to 70 miles per hour for short distances.
    1.Did you know that my dog is about the same size of a young cheetah?
    Daisy weighs 96 lbs., and an adult cheetah weighs from 86 lbs. to 143 lbs.
    2. What do cheetahs eat?
    3. Where do cheetahs mainly live and hunt?
    Ava’s answer. Harp seals live to be 30 years old in the wild.

  9. Sorry I forgot to write the questions.

    -how many people can a 1 puffer fish kill?
    -how many scales dose a puffer fish have?

  10. http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/brown-bear/

    1. Grizzly or Brown Bears eat all day during the fall to prepare for the 4 to 7 month hibernation.
    2. Mother Bears are usuall pregnant when they go into deep sleep and dont’ wake-up when they give birth during the winter.
    3. Baby bears live with their mother for three years before they go off on their own.

    Q- What do brown bears eat?
    Q- How big can an adult brown bear get?

    Anwswer to Devin’s question: Wolves mainly like to eat large animals like moose and deer.

  11. I chose the chimpanzee.
    Fact 1. Chimps go termite fishing with a blade of grass.
    Fact 2. Chimps are omnivores – they eat both plants and animals.
    Fact 3. Each chimp has their own sound, a pant-hoot.

    Question 1. How many hours do chimps forage for food each day?
    Question 2. What is the chimpanzee’s closest relatives?

    Answer to Bettina’s: The spots on the jaguar are called Rosettes!

  12. I chose the orca ( killer whale)
    1. orcas have 45 teeth
    2.the orcas teeth are 3 inches long( 7.6 centimeters)
    3. orcas can camflouge because of their black and white skin
    question 1. how long are orcas?
    question 2. how much do orcas weigh?

  13. My animal is the coyote.


    Facts I learned:

    1. Coyotes eat almost everything, mice, rabbits, fish, insects, even dead animals and watermelon.
    2. Adult coyotes weigh between 20 and 50 pounds.
    3. Coyotes are smart and can trick other animals.

    Question1: What is the scientific word for coyote and what does it mean?
    Question 2: What continent are coyotes from?

    Carly’s Answers:
    Chimpanzees forage for food 6-8 hours each day.
    Chimpanzees closest realtive is the ape.

  14. I chose the beluga whale.
    1. The beluga is one of the smallest species of whales.
    2. Beluga like to spend a lot of time at the surface spy hopping and slapping their tails.
    3. Belugas are the size of large dolphins.
    question 1. What are baby belugas called?
    question 2. Are belugas mammals

  15. Jack D. answers
    1. A male orca is 19 to 22 feet long and a female orca is 16 to 19 feet long.
    2. A male orca weighs 8,000 to 12,000 pounds and a female orca weighs 3,000 to 8,000 pounds.

  16. I choose a Wolverine!!!
    Things I learned
    1.They are omnivores .
    2.Wolverines are mammals.
    3.Wolverines feed on carrion.
    1.How long will a wolverine live to in the wild?
    2.What is the scientific name of a wolverine.
    Answer to Ava`s Question
    A scientific name for a harp is Pagophilus groenlandicus

  17. I chose the tundra swan.
    The website is http://kids.nationatl geographic.com/animals/craeturefeature/tundraswan/
    My facts:
    Tundra swans are omnivors,so they usually eat plants and mollusks.
    Their scientific name is Cygrus Columbianus.
    Finally,tundra swans live up to be 20 years old.
    My questions:
    How long do tundra swans survive in zoos?
    What do baby tundra swans look like?
    Jack.N’s answer:Bald Eagles and their eaglets eatfish because they are sea eagles.

  18. http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/beavers/

    I chose the beaver. Here are some facts:

    1.Beavers are the largest rodents in North America
    2.Beavers can swim under water for 15 mins!
    3.A family of beavers can build a dam 30 feet long in about a week.

    1.What is fhe name of a baby beaver?
    2.How large in feet, do adult beavers grow?

    answers to Henry’s questions:
    The scientific name for the wolverine is Gulo gulo.
    Wolverines will live 7 to 12 years in the wild.

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