
I hope everyone is having fun (or had fun) creating a property bag!  I can't wait to guess them on Monday!

One day this weekend, examine the properties of your dinner.  Come here and tell us several properties.  You may tell:

  • color
  • shape
  • size
  • texture
  • flexibility
  • smell
  • taste
  • sound

…or you may think of other properties.

Then try to guess what your classmates are describing!

6 thoughts on “Properties!

  1. Here’s what I ate last night:

    Color: red, yellow, orange
    Shape: triangle (or circle, depending on how you think about it)
    Sound: sizzling
    Smell: cheesy
    Texture: gooey

    What do you think I had for dinner last night?

  2. Here’s what I ate last night:

    Color: red, yellow
    Shape: rectangular prism
    Sound: none
    Smell: saucy
    Texture: mushy

  3. The food I ate :
    Color: brown
    Shape: long and skinny oval.
    Sound: Sizzle while cooking.
    Size: 5 1/2 inches.
    Texture: Smooth.
    Taste: VERY YUMMY.
    Flexibility: Bendable.
    What do you think I ate?

  4. Guess what I had for dinner.
    Color: red
    Texture: smooth, chewy, hard
    Smell: barbeque
    Shape: arch
    Flexibility: none
    Taste: YUMMY
    Sound: none

    Color: orange and brown
    Shape: quarter moon, glob shape
    Texture: smooth
    Flexibility: squirty but bendable
    Smell: yum yum
    Sound: none
    Taste: like you are in heaven

    There are two parts to my dessert

  5. Guess what I had for dinner:
    Color: green, red, black
    Shape: various
    Texture: crunchy
    Smell: sweet and sour
    Taste: tart
    What do you think I am eating?

  6. This is what I ate for dinner.
    Color: pale
    Shape:(Depends in the bowl.)
    Texture:Thick liquid.
    Taste: Salty.
    What do you think I ate for dinner?
    Peter I guess you ate hot dogs.

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