Today we talked about putting numbers in order. Talk with your family. Try to think of 3-5 times we have to put numbers in order, or ways it helps us to have numbers in order.
Don't duplicate any of your classmates' answers!
Today we talked about putting numbers in order. Talk with your family. Try to think of 3-5 times we have to put numbers in order, or ways it helps us to have numbers in order.
Don't duplicate any of your classmates' answers!
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1. I put my brothers in age order when we play games to find out who goes first.
2. My mom puts our special events in time order so we don’t miss an event.
3. When I take my class picture they put us in height order (number of inches tall) to see where we stand in the picture.
4. I put athletes stats in number order to know who is the best.
1. I put my money in number order from the ones up to keep it in order.
2. I put my shoes in size order to know which ones fit me now.
3. My babysitter puts all my after school events in time order so I’m not late to them.
Height of me my brother and my mom to see who is taller.
Age of my mom, uncle Mike and uncle Brian to see who is older.
Marriage – my uncle mike, my uncle Bran and my grandparents to see who is married the longest.
1. The houses on my block are in number order (even numbers on one side and odd on the other side).
2. Writing numbers on a calendar
3. My mom’s checks are in number order
4. My mom puts my clothes in size order by number (7/8, 9/10)
5. Chapters of a book
1. My sister likes to put us in age order so that she can go first all the time.
2. In my old school the teachers put us in size order on a line and I was almost always last because I’m tall.
3. My dresser drawers are in number order so that I know where socks, t-shirts and long sleeve shirts go.
1. We always talk about family birthdays and the order of when they are in the calendar year.
2. When my mom orders cold cuts at shoprite she gets a number and they call them in order.
3. when my mom carpools for ccd she picks up kids in order by their house number.
1. We always buy more than one gallon of milk. We store the milk with the first
expiration date in the front on the refrigerator.
2. When my mom fills out a deposit slip for the bank when there is more than one check.
3. When I have homework, I always complete the work that is due first.
My morning routine is in order
my brothers books are in order
my toy bins are in order
When you look at the clock it is in order.
Also money is in order.
Even the groceries have an order!
When I play a game we use age order
my money is in order
my toys are in order
1.TV channels are in number order.
2.The clock numbers are in number order.
3.On phones, the numbers are in order.
2.number lines
1.When we play games we roll or spin the spiner or roll the die
2.To know who’s birthday comes next
3.In softball when I’m batting
1. We have three kids in this family ages 8, 15, and 18.
2. All grades are in number order like kindergarten, and 1st at WOS, 2nd and 3rd at TZE, and 4th,and 5th at Cottage Lane it goes on and on and on and on until college.
3. The colors of the rainbow are in order.
painting by number order to make a picture
counting numbers goes in order.
When you build a snowman it goes in size order starting from the biggest on the bottom to the smallest on top.
In the morning my routine is wake up, eat breakfast get dressed,was up & brush my teeth, & go on the bus.
1.We number my activities on the weekend
2.I check my mommy’s lotto numbers in order
3.My brother keeps his money in number order
4.I numbered these sentences in order
1. Measuring cups my mom use for cooking.
2. I sorted my Pokemon card in number order.
3. In baseball we bat in the order of our team number.
4. The mailman deliver the mail in order of street numbers.
1. We celebrate our birthdays in the orders of the month.
2. We are called in order in at Rockland Bakery.
3. At the dentist office we are called in order.
4. My daily morning routines are in order.
1. My dance teacher lines us up in our spots by number order.
2. In religion, we sit in rows according to our grade in order from 1-5.
3. My mom has our picture frames in order from smallest to largest on the shelf.
4. My brother does his routines at pre-school in a certain order.
Addresses because it tells us where people live. 🙂
The phone has numbers on it, in order it helps us to dial. 😉
Checks in a checkbook are in order. The numbers help us know what checks are written. 😉 🙂
You have to put books in order to know where to get them.
You put screwes in order thinest-thickest.
you put book pages in order from page 1 to the last page.
1. The numbers on a ruler are in number order
2. The aisles at shoprite are in number order
3. The step or instructions on the back of a cake box are in number order
4. The lockers at school are in number order
5. The classrooms are in number order