We had a great day. Nice job on the Place Value test! Next up is addition!
Blog Challenge: You may have noticed that our last two blog challenges were sharing stories that happened to us. This time share a story about a time you helped someone out. It could be at home, school, or anywhere.
At school when someone said something mean to my friend, he was sad, I talked to him and tried to make him feel better.
Last year, I helped Kaela because the boys were annoying her. I said," Hey, guys, leave her alone. Did she do anything mean to you? No. And if you don't stop, I'm going to tell the teacher." Then the boys left her alone.
I once helped my mom go shopping for groceries.
in girl scouts I helped the animal shelter it was fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I helped my mom go shopping for groceries and I helped my dad fix his rusty car.
Every Trash Day I help my dad bring the recycling containers around the house so he does'nt do it before he goes to work!
When my sister is sad I try to make her feel better.
I help my grandmother when she needs to get up!
I helped my dad fix up his old camaro. It is so cool!!!!
I helped my brother when He had to read andwith his sight words.
I helped my sister spell new sight words. I helped her by giving her a spelling test.
Every fall I help rake the leaves in my grandmother's garden.
Good job! We got 12 responses. Remind me to give you a letter tomorrow!
I helped my dad cover the pool this weekend.