Blog Challenge!

I can't think of any interesting Blog Challenge questions.  I need your help!  Your Blog Challenge is to suggest a Blog Challenge question.

This time, you can post more than one suggestion.  Let's get lots of responses and earn your letters back!

10 thoughts on “Blog Challenge!

  1. I think it should be…
    What you are doing over the weekend

    I think it should be about CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i think the Blog Challenge should be,Wht Do You Want For Chistmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 1. What is your most favorite state or country that you have traveled to?

    2. What is the most disgusting food you ever tried?

    3. Who could guess what Miss Williams wants for Christmas?

  4. 1. What is your favorite part about winter?
    2. What day will be the first day it will snow?

  5. What is your New Years resolution?

    What was the funniest thing you did in your life?

    What is your favorite color?

    Have you ever been to a basketball/baseball/football game or any other sports game?

    Has your Mom or Dad ever been the class parent?

    Have you ever met a professional sports player?

    How many pets do you have and what are they?

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