Hello Again!

It looks like the blog is back (again.)  Here's the new Blog Challenge: in honor of our Thanksgiving Feast tomorrow, what is your favorite food in the world?  It doesn't have to be a Thanksgiving food!

18 thoughts on “Hello Again!

  1. I’m only going to count responses that give an answer! No more “I like everything!” or “I don’t know.”

  2. Daddy’s homemade ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. My favorite foods are pizza, tacos, calzones, and gummy bears YUM!
    Speaking of tacos I just had them about 5 minutes ago.

  4. That’s cool how we spelled TZE with the students, teachers, and I think the staff. I showed my mom.

  5. Doesn’t like McDonald’s? Wow. I had McDonald’s TODAY.

    But my favorite is my mother’s lasagna rolls – just like lasagna, but the noodles are rolled up! My second favorite is pizza!

  6. I like steak!! I’ts the best food in the world!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM juicy MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Feroze that was what I was about to say. Steak,chicken,and cucumber are my favorite foods.
    ( I like steak the most.)

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