
This morning we did our morning work like always.  We went to the computer room and learned about the glog.  That was awesome!  After we did that we went over lockdown rules and read.  During reading we had the lockdown drill.  We were silent.  We did the quarter mile run and the nature trail for gym.  We had lunch and recess.  We went over the morning work.  Then we did social studies.  Thats how we ended the day. 


From Miss W.:  Great job, Naomi!  Here's a different sort of blog challenge for the class: make a glog!  If you make a glog, come back here and post the link to it.  If you can't figure out how to do that, just post, "I made a glog," and I'll find it and link to it for you.  If 14 people make a new glog and post it here, I'll give you a letter!  If your log is about our Word of the Month (Community,) it counts double!!

17 thoughts on “Today

  1. Naomi wasn’t the lockdown fun?! 🙂 But P.E. was just tireing. I thought the glog was fun too.

  2. Naomi didint you love the lokdown! but p.e
    I was so tired from the run I felt like I had
    hart bern I was sweting to like crazy.

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