TZHS Announcements

Daily Announcements

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Day 4


Chess Club- after school in Room 301.

TV Production-after school in Room 118.

Spanish Honor Society: @ 3:05 to finalize preparations for Acoustic Underground.

Interact Club: after school in Room 603.

Attention MATH TEAM: The next New York Math Meet of the year will be held on Tuesday, February 5th after school in Room 301.

Acoustic Underground: Friday @ 7:00 pm in the band room. Tickets are $5 on sale at lunch starting Wednesday and at the door.

Youth Court: If you are interested in participating in the Town of Orangetown Police Department youth court, stop by the SRO office or the main office to pick up an application. Applications have to be submitted by February 28, 2019.

All subteams for Robotics will meet every day after school from 3:00 until 6:00 pm in the MakerSpace. All members are expected to attend.

ATTENTION ALL ATHLETES-Sportz Venture will open today, January 28th, for spring sports registration. Please be sure to register before February 25th which is when it will close.

For all athletics events, go to

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