Tappan Zee High School

Tappan Zee High School and South Orangetown Middle School congratulate their 2019-2020 TZHS PTSA/SOMS PTA Reflections Contest winners!

“Untitled,” a work submitted by Tappan Zee High School artist Ronan M., placed third in New York State. “My work describes the 2019-2020 theme of ‘Look Within’ because it shows that one cannot look into another person. Every person thinks and feels differently. The only person who understands their true nature is themselves,” he said. Ronan’s pencil and marker drawing placed first in the TZHS PTSA contest before advancing to regional and state judging.

This year’s school winners were to be celebrated at a joint TZHS-SOMS ceremony in late March, which was canceled due to the school closure. However, TZHS PTSA Reflections Coordinator Colleen Vanderhoef built a website to showcase the student artists’ award-winning work.

“Our PTSA believes all children deserve a quality arts education and, since 1969, we have encouraged students to pursue artistic expression through participation in the National PTA’s annual Reflections Art Program,” Vanderhoef explained. “The contest provides a venue for students to create and be recognized for original works of art based on a given theme. It also serves to increase community awareness of the importance of arts education. Congratulations to all our district’s winners!”

TZHS Special Arts
1st Place: “Untitled” by Ronan M.
2nd Place: “Look Within” by Cadia L.
3rd Place: “The Power Within” by Austin H.

TZHS Visual Arts
1st Place: “A Wondrous Heart” by Hannah J.
2nd Place: “To Look Within” by Jaden T.
3rd Place: “Floating” by Eujin L.

SOMS Visual Arts
1st Place: “Imagination” by Vanessa S.
2nd Place: “Nobody is Nobody” by Hela G.
3rd Place: “What Lies Beneath” by Jack F.
Honorable Mention: “Finding Who You Are” by Samantha W.

TZHS Photography
1st Place: “The Gateway to the Soul” by Michael S.
2nd Place: “Into the Shadows Together” by Laura M.

SOMS Photography
1st Place: “Paint the Eye” by Kavia A.

TZHS Literature
1st Place: “If Only” by Matthew T.

Vanderhoef and SOMS PTA Reflections Contest Coordinator Maureen Schroeder express their deep appreciation to the following judge volunteers: Amy Alinkofsky, Lisa D’Amico, Tracy DeFeciani, Tatiana DiPierno, Donna Grasso, Carole Perry, Linda Stankard and Dina Wolleben.

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