Tappan Zee High School

Middle and high school students had a chance to reflect on their dreams, goals, and aspirations for the future during visioning workshops hosted by the SOCSD Family Engagement Center this week. Participants created personal vision boards and brainstormed with each other about ways to reach their goals. After the workshop, students took their vision boards home and were encouraged to add things periodically to them so the boards can adapt as students’ goals develop in the future.

“It was an opportunity for students to step back and really look at what they want for their life, beyond a college focus,” said Family Engagement Center Coordinator AJ Walker, “It also tapped into self-care. When students are able to acknowledge what they want for themselves, they realize that a lot of these things are attainable now, such as living a healthier lifestyle or learning how to drive. Long-term goals– traveling, buying a home, graduating from college or getting a dream job–require more planning.”

“The workshop gave me time to sit down and relax for a little and think about what I want to do with my life after college,” noted Paige L., a senior who participated in the event at Tappan Zee High School. “It helped me set a few life goals I had not thought of before.”

TZHS Students in Visioning Workshop

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