Tappan Zee High School

Tappan Zee High School’s La Société Honoraire de Français newly inducted 20 juniors and re-inducted eight seniors at its eighth annual ceremony last night!

“I am truly honored to work with this group of incredibly talented young individuals.” noted Honor Society Advisor and World Language Teacher Elaine Hayes. “French is one of six official languages used by the United Nations and its use is anticipated to grow to 700 million speakers by 2050 with the emerging markets in Africa.”

Superintendent of Schools Robert Pritchard added, “It is a pleasure to see the growth in our French language program. Wall Street is in need of workers who can speak French due to the economic growth in Africa and its important that we provide programs that provide our students with the skills needed to compete in the modern workforce.”

To be eligible for induction, students must earn an average of 90 or above after two years of French language coursework and have an overall academic average of 88 or higher.
French Honor Society Inducts 20 New Members

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