Tappan Zee High School

The Tappan Zee High School Blood Drive Team and Family Engagement Center are hosting a community blood drive today in memory of TZHS freshman Arianna Fojtlin, who passed away in September. Arianna battled ulcerative colitis, a disease which can cause anemia and require blood transfusions. “The blood drive is a great way to bring the community together for a good cause and to honor Arianna,” said FEC Coordinator AJ Walker. “The team has done a great job coordinating support from our school community and we hope to break our record from last year.”

Team captains Noah C., Casey K. and Dylan M., all juniors, emphasized that giving blood is a simple way for students to give back to their community. “There is currently a shortage in Rockland County so it’s really important that everyone comes out and donates blood,” urged Casey. Dylan added, “It helps a variety of people and you never know when you may need blood.”

For eligible donors who may be nervous, Noah offered reassurance. “You have nothing to worry about. It’s easy, plus it saves lives.”

The blood drive is open until 8:30PM tonight in the TZHS Rear Gym. Students, faculty and community members ages 16 and older are invited to participate. Walk-ins are welcome, but donors may also sign-up online at www.nybloodcenter.org.

All students must present a signed parental consent form in order to donate. Forms may be picked up during lunch periods in the cafeteria or downloaded from the New York Blood Center site at: https://nybloodcenter.org/media/nybloodcenter/filer_public/cb/88/cb882a01-92cc-4119-a0e7-461a512ec232/16yr-donate-ny-english.pdf

Female student reclining on chaise giving blood

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