Tappan Zee High School

Tappan Zee High School’s Socíetà Onoraría Italíca Dante Alígherí Chapter inducted 41 new members AND re-inducted 29 second-year members and 25 third-year members this evening!

“It is my pleasure to honor these students who have excelled in their study of the Italian language and donated hundreds of hours of community service,” noted Honor Society Advisor and World Language Team Leader Maria Bruno in her welcoming remarks.

To be eligible for induction, students must earn a 90 average in Italian language coursework and an overall academic average of 80 or higher. To maintain membership, students must continue to meet these requirements and perform 12 hours of community service each year.

The honor society chapter was founded in 1999 by TZHS Italian teacher Patricia Castelli, who retired in June and was honored during tonight’s ceremony for her “incredible contributions to promote an appreciation of the Italian culture and language.”

Italian Honor Society Induction

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