Tappan Zee High School

Tappan Zee High School is offering virtual AP Institutes to help students prepare for the College Board exams next month. Institutes began on April 29 for nearly every Advanced Placement course the high school offers.

“Students and teachers are often stressed about the AP exams,” explains TZHS Principal Rudy Arietta. “For many, this stress level has increased because of our current situation. By introducing these Institutes, we’re attempting to give teachers and students more time to work together and prepare for the newly formatted exams.”

Each Institute consists of four one-hour sessions scheduled Monday through Saturday to minimize conflicts, and will continue through the end of the exam period. Sessions will be used in a variety of ways, including content review and skill development.

TZHS AP Coordinator Nicholas Desantis will be facilitating a meeting regarding the new exams with AP teachers next week. Teachers will share this information with students to help prepare them as much as possible for the new exam format and technical issues they may encounter during the online exam administration. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to regularly check the College Board website for exam dates and testing information, such as the 2020 AP Testing Guide.

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