Tappan Zee High School

Tappan Zee High School senior Jennifer Cankosyan has single-handedly made it to the finals of the SportBiz Madness Case Study Competition! Cankosyan entered the contest through her Entertainment and Sports Marketing class, taught by Darrell Flynn.

“This competition requires students to apply basic marketing principles to a real-world problem,” Flynn notes. “Each case study features a different problem to be solved. For the Final Four, the case study focused on how New Balance could compete in the marketplace with Nike, which dominates the basketball apparel market.”

Jennifer took on the challenge of developing an advertising campaign to help New Balance gain market share in the basketball market, leaning on one of the athletes who rep the brand and the company’s new NBA sponsorship deal. Her one-woman team, Slinger Enterprises, Inc. clinched the win.

Judging the Final Four were marketing professional Alex Dobson and ad agency Audible Design. Here’s what they had to say:

“SEI did a really nice job of digging into and utilizing metrics, ratings, etc. to help rationalize their media selections. This extra bit of detail helped to sell SEI’s recommended plan.

Kudos for showing price comparison and rating trends on why you selected the Grammys vs. Academy Awards. SEI also did a nice job of including research links to their ratings and audience numbers to help bolster their recommendation.

For OOH (out-of-home or outdoor advertising), we really appreciated the specificity of the LA placement next to The Forum in Inglewood as a great nod to the future home of the Clippers, and their utilization of social media to help drive their campaign messaging. As well, SEI provided a nice video script to help explain how they would bring their campaign to life through sight, sound, and motion (the power of video vs. other formats in media).”

Cankosyan says that the competition connects directly with her college and career interests: she plans to major in business and is interested in both marketing and sports management. “The final round is in progress now and I’m working on the fourth case study, which is about building a bigger and younger audience for PGA golf. The winner will be announced in early May,” she reports.

Good luck, Jennifer–SOCSD is rooting for you!

Jennifer Cankosyan

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