Tappan Zee High School

Rockland County Board of Elections representatives Rikki Kramer and Gianna DiMarsico walked Tappan Zee High School seniors through the voter registration process during social studies classes today. Students learned about selecting a political affiliation and how their selection impacts primary participation. They were also advised on how to request absentee ballots if they will be away from home for elections.

This annual event, which reinforces New York State standards for civics, citizenship and state government processes, has been spearheaded by TZHS Social Studies Teacher Christine Drivas. “Our students have learned about democracy throughout the course of their K-12 education and, after today, they will have the chance to participate in our democracy through voting.” she said.

Voter registration makes classroom topics feel more relevant. “We have a lot of diverse opinions in our Issues in American Society class which have led to intriguing conversations around the democratic process,” said TZHS Social Studies Teacher Amy Rosenthal. “We’ve also discussed how apathy around voting has affected national elections. Encouraging students to be active citizens now engages them in the political landscape at the local, state or national levels.”

Teacher and students looking down at forms on table.

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