Physical Education & Health
Physical Education (Required)
1/2 credit per year
The Physical Education program follows the recommendations of the New York State Education Department as well as the guidelines proposed by the Surgeon General and the NASPE. Students participate in two 20-week semesters per year. The program is comprised of an elective system, based on each period students choose by grade level from a curriculum that includes fitness, team sports and Project Adventure, lifetime activities. During a student’s four years at Tappan Zee High School, he/she must complete eight semesters of Physical Education. Special provisions are available to those students whose active participation is limited due to medical reasons. Students will be assessed with a numerical grade, using the physical education grading rubric.
Athletic Training (10, 11, 12)
Cycled, 1/2 credit
This course will present an overview of the profession of athletic training and other related professions in the sports medicine/health and fitness umbrella. It will include basic anatomy and physiology, injury and illnesses as they affect athletes, and the rehabilitation of injured athletes. We will also touch on the components of fitness and nutrition for athletes.
Health Education (Required)
Cycled or Semester, 1/2 credit
Health Education is a required course for graduation that fosters students’ ability to achieve and maintain their optimal level of mental, physical, social, and intellectual health. The course curriculum topics include: nutrition, mental health, environmental health, family life and planning, disease prevention, abuses of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
Faculty Sites
Physical Education/Health Department
Mr. Thomas Cromer, Team Leader
Mrs. Emily Donovan
Mr. George Gaine
Ms. Susan Maher
Mr. Steve Sutton