Representatives from the Tappan Zee High School Master Schedule Inquiry Team have begun visiting area high schools to explore alternative scheduling practices. On November 27, a group of team members met with students, faculty and administrators at Pascack Valley High School in Hillsdale, NJ, to learn about their school’s approach to structuring the school day.
We were grateful for the ability to meet with students, teachers, and administrators at PVHS; they were incredibly warm and generous hosts, all eager to share open and candid feedback, which is invaluable to us as we explore new options for TZHS,” reports Principal Dr. Jennifer Amos. “It was also great to see the potential pros and cons of the type of master schedule they offer when thinking through our own community’s needs, and to observe their incorporation of a unit lunch, where all 1,200 students eat lunch around the building at the same time.”
Additional visits are planned for December and January.
October 26, 2018: Dr. Pritchard’s Blog | Time as Currency
September 28, 2018: Master Scheduling Team Plans for Site Visits
June 1, 2018: Team Explores Alternatives to TZHS Master Schedule
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