3D Design 1

Full Year, 1 credit
Prerequisite: None
This foundational course meets the State art requirements for graduation and will focus on developing skills needed for hands-on experiences in 3-D media. Projects will include experiences in ceramics, sculpture and crafts. In addition to elements of art and principles of design, the history and significance of 3-D design in today’s society will be emphasized.
Graphic Arts and Media Design (9, 10, 11, 12) Full Year, 1 credit
This course is structured to meet the State art requirement for graduation and is a foundation course. Utilizing the MAC computers, students will explore current practices in graphic arts and media design including social media using software applications such as Photoshop, Faces, Apple i-Life Suite and online resources to produce digital photographs, advertisements, cartoons, campaign posters, newsletters, brochures, and CD album covers. Other productions involve multimedia use of Garage Band and creative digital drawing/painting studio experiences on the computer.

Click the photo to view the art gallery.

3D Design 2

Full Year, 1 credit
Prerequisite: 3-D Design I
The objective of this course is to provide the students with an opportunity to develop more advanced skills in 3-D media. Emphasis will be placed on advanced techniques in ceramics, sculpture, jewelry making, and crafts. In addition to elements of art and principles of design, the history and significance of 3-D design in today’s society will be emphasized.

Click the photo to view the art gallery.


Full Year, 1 credit
Prerequisite: 3D-Design II
This course is designed to allow the students to explore sculptural design and expression through both additive and subtractive processes. The students will be able to experiment with many three-dimensional approaches including, but not limited to figurative or nonfigurative sculpture that involve modeling, casting, metal work, ceramics, fiber arts, assemblages and found objects. Students are encouraged to explore a personal, central interest and are free to work with variety of media that address sculptural design issues.

Click the photo to view the art gallery.

Advanced Sculpture

Full Year, 1 credit
Prerequisite: Sculpture or permission of the Art Department
Advanced sculpture develops skills in spatial relationships, utilizing different materials and safe studio practices. The application of these ideas is emphasized through collaborative work, the understanding of the language of sculpture and documentation of process. Students investigate the works of a diverse group of sculptors and also participate in regular critiques. Students are encouraged to continue to explore a personal, central interest and are free to work with a variety of media that address sculptural issues.

Click the photo to view the art gallery.