“Curiosity is the linchpin of intellectual achievement” – Susan Engel, 2015
(Below is a letter that I will soon be sending to all of our South Orangetown Middle School students, but felt the need to send to a wider audience. Conceptually, this is a message that should be valuable to all students, families, educators, and lifelong learners – basically, anyone who wants to be a better version of themselves).
To All the Amazing Student Learners at the South Orangetown Middle School:
The Student Handbook and Agenda Planner are important tools to help you stay organized and get the most out of your schooling and learning (by the way, it is important to note that I have made a distinction between the words “schooling” and “learning”). While these two words are related, they are not the same. Learning is something that you do all the time and schooling…well, those are activities in which you are engaged during school hours.
The Student Handbook is a guide that explains the rules associated with schooling. It will assist you in being a productive member of a community of learners who are respectful, responsible, and are prepared to do their best (better known to you as the “Three B’s”). As the superintendent, I will periodically check to ensure that each of you is familiar with the Three B’s and that you are using your SOMS Student Agenda Planner to keep track of your priorities (to include project and homework completion).
Beyond “schooling,” how do you intend to answer your mom or dad at the end of the day when they ask you, “What did you learn in school today?” This is a very important question and an even more important question might be, “What would you like to learn more about?”
So…this begs yet another question: How can you use your Student Agenda Planner to make you a better learner? After all, learning (or more specifically, “learning more”) is the main reason why we come to school in the first place. Learning how to stay organized and work alongside your classmates are important skills – for sure. Nevertheless, I am going to challenge every SOMS student to use the Student Agenda Planner to help personalize the “learning experience” at SOMS. Get in the habit of keeping a journal of your experiences at SOMS. Periodically reflect on what you have learned and how that learning will provide the foundation for future learning. Keep track of what you are curious about and how this curiosity will contribute towards your improved understanding of the world around you.
I wish each of you good fortune on what promises to be an exciting adventure in learning. Use the tools that you are given and be open to every opportunity that you are presented at SOMS. These opportunities are certain to create wondrous possibilities for your future.
Dr. Robert Pritchard, Superintendent of Schools
Engel, S. (2015). The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity in Childhood. Harvard University Press.