South Orangetown Middle School

Archive for March, 2013

One Point Perspective


Hey 7th grade: We've been working so hard this quarter on one-point perspective projects! Starting with the 3D name design, and then creating an original city, you all have definitely mastered the technique of one-point perspective!  Congratulations, it's not an easy concept. One-point perspective is a technique used in art to create the illusion of depth and […]

Happy Birthday Michelangelo!


Michelangelo Buonarroti: March 6, 1475 Michelangelo was arguably the most famous artist of the Italian Renaissance, and one of the greatest artists of all time. He considered himself a sculptor, primarily, but is equally well known for his paintings. He was also an architect and an amateur poet.  His most famous statues include the 18-foot […]

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Creating the Experience


Impressionism was a 19th century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris based artists.  The name of the movement is derived from the title of a Claude Monet painting, called Impression, Sunrise: The Impressionists changed the approach to painting by recreating the sensation in the eye that views the subject, rather than […]

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