South Orangetown Middle School

Grading Procedures

South Orangetown Middle School uses number grades. A student’s grades are an indication of achievement and progress in various subjects. Report cards are available online for each of the first three quarters and mailed home at the end of the school year. Interim reports are available online at the fifth week mark between report cards. Pass/Fail grading may be used for certain courses.

Honor Roll requirements are:

  • Exceptional Honors Average of 95: no 65’s, failures or incompletes
  • High Honors Average of 90: no 65’s, failures or incompletes
  • Honor Roll Average of 85: no 65’s, failures or incompletes

“Incomplete” indicates that a student did not finish all the work required for a marking period grade. The student may work up to 10 school days (under the supervision of his/her teacher) beyond the close of the marking period to complete remaining assignments. By the 15th school day after the close of a marking period, the teacher will replace the “Incomplete” with a number grade. The Guidance Office will record it, notify the student’s parents and adjust the honor roll if necessary. The new grade will appear on the following report card.

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