Why I Write!

The National Day on Writing (October 20), an initiative of the National Council of Teachers of English, is built on the premise that writing is critical to literacy but needs greater attention and celebration.

For ten years, hundreds of thousands of people share their writing and engage in activities around the theme of #WhyIWrite.

Today, we will write for entertainment!

  1.  Use wordless books to create a story.
  2. Emoji Prompts to generate stories.
  3. Story Dice  is a free app with dice that feature pictures create your story.
  4. Writing Sparks use this website for timed stories online.
  5. Choose one or more activities from the poster and make it happen.
  6. Write your story to Chalk by Bill Thompson.

Socktober 2018

Happy Socktober!  Each night in the United States, an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets. This October, we want 2 million people to show that even a small act of love, such as donating a pair of socks, can make a big difference in the lives of our neighbors who are homeless.

Kids and adults around the world have started their own sock drives to benefit their local homeless shelters. Cottage Lane Student Advisory Council will collect and donate new socks to People to People.

Please bring in a new pair of unworn socks by October 25th.

As a school we will celebrate this event by wearing our own pair of Crazy socks on October 25th!

May’s Superpower is Patriotism

This month’s superpower is Patriotism.  The Poppy Lady by Barbara Walsh is our book of the month. It is About Moina Belle Michael who helped establish the red poppy as a symbol of remembrance for veterans. The following video is the the famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae written in May 1915. This video is in remembrance of all those who have lost their lives during war.

A Poppy is to Remember is another tribute to our American service men and women, as well as to those from other nations who have fought side by side with them to restore peace and freedom in troubled regions of the world. Even as they fought and died together, let us also remember them together.

As a tribute from you to all the soldiers who lost their lives fighting for freedom try these activities:

  1. Write a cinquain and post your poem to this post.
  2. Participate in this month’s challenge – THE POPPY CHALLENGE

Grandfather Tang

The tangram is a puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap. It is one of the most popular puzzles in the world. Tangrams are an excellent way to increase mental and visual skills. Using imagination, geometrical shapes, letters, numbers, figures, boats, animals and objects can bring great fun along with a challenge.

Now try these shapes…Four Piece Tangram Puzzles