Time to Struggle

It is our job as teachers to give you time to grapple with problems and make your brains work – Cultivating a Growth Mindset. Sometime in life, people have no choice.  Their whole lives can be a struggle.  These inspirational stories are more about physical struggles but deliver the same message about not giving up!

When things in school or out are difficult, what will you do? Who will you turn to? How will you shift your energy on the Mood Meter?

13 thoughts on “Time to Struggle

  1. I wouldn’t run away from the problem, I would deal with the problem and struggle by not letting the problem overcome me, I would overcome the problem.And once I have solved that problem I would be in the yellow of the mood meter, and believe in my self and be confident.

  2. Everyone is overcoming a challenge, some are visible, some are not. Sometimes we don’t know how to talk about it, and it stays bottled up in our mind until we BURST!
    Sometimes when you burst you burst out crying, but sometimes it results in an angry outburst, or as most of us know it as a Tantrum. It happens to everyone don’t try to hide it, it’s absolutely normal it happens to all of us it’s nothing strange don’t worry! You don’t ever have to share anything you don’t want to, but I definitely recommend it, it might make you feel better!

  3. mm
    Everyone is overcoming a challenge, some are visible some are not.A challenge or a problem is something I wouldn’t quit for, because I learned when you struggle you learn even more, because your brain works but if you knew something by heart, perhaps a question, you don’t learn anything. Every person has problems but you can’t give up, because there’s always a solution, so never give up, there’s always a way!

  4. Everyone has an obstacle some are visible some are not.One thing is for sure you can’t give up on the first try even if that’s the easy thing.You have to accept the challenge and get your brain working. You can’t just do the easy thing,your brain won’t work hard and it won’t grow.Sometimes solving a hard problem can make you go to the red on the mood meter but your brain will grow and you will learn.

  5. When things in or out of school are difficult, I would talk to an adult or friend about how I am feeling, and I would try to do something to clear my mind or calm me down. The support I get will help shift my energy on the mood meter.

  6. When things are difficult, I would talk to my friends because they may have once had the same problem. They can tell me what they did to calm themselves down and I can try the same thing. If that doesn’t work, I can shoot hoops and that will calm me down. This will help me shift my energy on the mood meter.

  7. If you are struggling with something, that is the only time your mind is actually thinking hard. If something is easy for you, you are not thinking as much as you would be if you were struggling. And if you are struggling, persevere, and don’t let your struggles intimidate you, and keep trying until you succeed. That’s the only way success can happen.

  8. Don’t let an obstacle over come you.
    Everyone has a disability some are visible but some are not.
    Don’t give up even if the world wants you to, for example when I shoot a basket and I miss I get the rebound and shoot again, until I make it.
    Every one should act like Shaquem Griffin.

  9. Don’t let the obstacles over come you over come the obstacles.You only get upset if you let people upset you.Try you’re hardest and you’ll succeed.Beat the hatred in this world, be the best you can be.

  10. Obstacles are made to be overcome. Shaquem Griffen overcame them. You have an ability, take advantage of it and use it to show what you can do. Never give up no matter what people say or if you don’t get it on your first try. You work, and you wait, and never give up. Everyone’s different in some what way but everyone is similar in a way to. Such as we all have an ability and we all have a disability too. Don’t let your disability get in the way, just focus on your abilities and not worry about obstacles because you will overcome them eventually but not on your first try.

  11. The only time you learn is when you struggle because you are so used to people giving you the answer and when they do your brain does not grow but if you struggle with something your mind grows.So if people are judging you because you have a disability work hard and prove them wrong like Shaquem Griffin

  12. Sometimes life is difficult. There are obstacles that can overcome you, but you can’t quit. Think about Shaquem Griffin. He faced many obstacles in his life and never gave up. If you keep trying and working hard you can overcome anything.

  13. Obstacles are made to be overcome. Like Shaquem Griffon overcame one he has one hand he became one of the best players in the world. There are some obstacles that can not be seen and some that can be seen, if you have a broken leg that is a seen disability, if you live in a poor neighborhood that is an unseen disability. You got to remember is that Life is tough but so are you.

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