Perseverance is April’s Superpower

Perseverance is this month’s superpower!

  • Perseverance is the courage it takes to continue trying despite previous failures.
  • Perseverance is the strength that gets you through times of trouble.
  • Perseverance is knowing that the road to success is paved with difficulty.
  • Perseverance is steady persistence in a course of action, especially in spite of discouragement.

Boy who harnessedthe windWe were inspired by William Kamkwamba’s story.  When his village was hit by a drought, everyone’s crops began to fail. Without enough money for food and school, William spent his days in the library and figured out how to bring electricity to his village. Persevering against the odds, William built a functioning windmill out of junkyard scraps and became the local hero who harnessed the wind. Listen to the children’s books here – The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.

Here is another video, Moving Windmills.

Interview an adult.  Determine a time in his/her life when he/she had to persevere and the result of this hard work.  Share this experience with our class blog.

2 thoughts on “Perseverance is April’s Superpower

  1. Kayleen: Hi, Mom. Did you have a time in life when you had to persevere?
    Mom: Well, there was that time when I was taking the Physical Therapist exam. Studying was hard, and so was taking the actual exam. I felt like giving up. It took all my power to not. After all, I didn’t study physical therapy here, I studied in Korea.
    Kayleen: Okay. What was the result of your hard work and perseverance?
    Mom: My result was that I passed the exam and got my license! I was so happy. I’m glad I didn’t give up.
    Kayleen: Wow! And that is true! Thank you, Mom for letting me interview you!

  2. My father had to persevere when he had to study for the New York State Bar exam during the summer. He could not hang out with his friends much or go on vacation. But it paid off when he passed. My dad had to persevere to become a lawyer but that’s how he became who he is today.

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