Adrian’s Visit to Belarus

Today I went to see The Art of The Brick Exhibit by Nathan Sawaya.
I never thought that besides simple Apples, you can build Parthenon (30,201 pieces), create Mona Lisa portrait, make Rose Window of Charters, or how about a giant Dinosaur out of 80,020 piece. The exhibit was amazing.
“Art nurtures the brain, whether made from clay, paint, wood or a modern day toy” – Nathan Sawaya.
Please enjoys some pictures from the exhibit!
Adrian K.

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11 thoughts on “Adrian’s Visit to Belarus

  1. Hello Adrian, I loved seeing all the photos that you took! How many pieces all together do you think they are like the dino and the Mona Lisa. I think that would be a lot! And how did Nathan Sawaya get all these pieces and make them all together?! That’s the thing that I love about art use your imagination and who knows what you can make!
    Izely E.

  2. WoW!!!!!!! are all of those really made out of lego’s?. I really love the pumpkins and the dinosaur i really love the system of planets stacked on top of each other.

  3. Dear Adrian,
    Wow! You’re on the class blog! The Art of The Brick exhibit is so cool. I think it’s amazing how you can make those things. I especially liked the picture where you were next to the brick cello. I think it’s amazing how we can talk to you like this for the entire vacation! Today, for April Fools, Bella and Nina switched classes! It was fun when Nina finally told Mrs.s Fluger that she wasn’t Bella. You should have been there! I hope you have fun with the rest of your trip! Unluckily, I’m not traveling anywhere. But taking ten days off of school is still AWESOME!!
    From, Kayleen Y.

  4. Hello Adrian thank you for sending us pictures the pictures were so amazing I am so happy that you got too see that exzibet or museum I hope you had a great time and have some more fun on your trip. Imagene you made those wouldent you feel great! I wonder how he got the money to get the money to get all those legos! Can you please find out for me? Thanks Bella 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. Hello Adrian,
    Thoues lego’s or pieces of art are amazing. I wish I could build with legos like that,
    and go in to a museum,
    any way hope you are having a good time
    and come back soon

  6. Hi Adrian! Your pictures look awesome and I can’t believe someone could make such big sculptures out of legos. In school we have been reading articles about important animals like Scannon, Lewis and Clark’s Resourceful Mascot. That was my favorite article. All of the pictures were so cool but my favorite ones the man holding the lady in his arms because it looked like the man was made out of water! Which sculpture was your favorite?

  7. Hello Adrian it looks like you are having a great time in Belarus! I like the Dinosaur one the best witch one is your favorite? Tell me when you get back

    from Andrew .K ARK

  8. Hey Adrian,
    it’s Sophie, I love all your pictures! All of them seem impossible to make, even in a lifetime! I hope you’re having fun on your trip! In school we’re learning about forgotten National symbols, I got Smokey Bear. Smokey Bear was a bear cub who was found clinging to a tree in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico after the worst forest fire in the hIstory of forest fires in Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico. After the fire was over, a firefighter found him clinging to a tree, so the firefighter snapped a picture, and rescued it. Later on, the park rangers named the cub Smokey bear after an animated poster character that was supposed to help prevent forest fires.

  9. hi Adrian that is so cool the lego building is so cool and realistic i never new you could to that with legos i wish i was there have fun

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