Italian club Cannoli Sale
Help support the Italian club.
Purchase delicious cannoli from Leonard Novelty Bakery in Moonachie, NJ
$1.00 small/ $2.00 large
ORDER FORM:cannoli order form 2017-172e10o
January 6th – La Befana
The Legend:
This story takes place at the time of the birth of Baby Jesus, the Christ Child. La Befana is an old woman who lives in a house in the hills of Italy. She once had a husband and child, but now lives alone. Befana spends her days sweeping and baking. One night, Befana notices a bright light in the sky, she thinks nothing of it and goes back to her work of sweeping and baking. Later, a glorious caravan led by Three Wise Men stop and ask Befana for directions to Bethlehem and invite Befanato join them in their search for the Christ Child. ButBefana is too busy and knows nothing of this far-away place nor the birth of a special baby. After the caravan disappeared over the hills, Befana thought of how much she missed her child who sadly died at a very young age. She changed her mind and wanted to visit this special child, because she loves children very much. So she placed some baked goods and gifts for the child in a sack, took her broom to help the new mother clean and raced out after the caravan in search of the Baby Jesus. Befana soon was lost. And just as she tired, angels appeared from the bright light, the magic star, in the sky to give flight to Befana on her broom – after all this was a night of miracles. She searched and searched for the Baby Jesus. Befana still searches, even today, even after all these centuries. And so, every year on the eve of the Epiphany, January 6th, whenever Befana comes to a house where there is a child, she drops in to see if it might be the child she seeks. It never is, but Befana leaves a gift anyway. For Befana has come to realize, over the years, that her searching is not vain, that in a way the Christ Child can be found in all children.
Continuing Education Italian class:
Listen to the following and repeat.
Benvenuti !
Welcome to Mrs. Avantifiori’s Italian Language Classroom .
Throughout the year, I will be posting homework, assignments, and community and club activities.
This year we begin with the Italian Feast being held from Thursday, Sept. 15th – Sunday,Sept. 18th.
The festival takes place at Masonic Park a Fairgrounds located at
89 Western Highway Tappan, New York.
Join us on Sunday, Sept.18th as 12:00 to dance the Tarantella !
Click to read and print Course Expectations 2016 for my course requirements for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
Join the Italian classes and
Italian club in dancing the Tarantella
Sunday, September 18th at 12:00
at the Italian Feast at the
Masonic Park in Tappan.
Come join us at the….
2nd Annual Italian Pot Luck
Family Night
on Friday, Oct 23rd.
For more information click Pot Luck Family Night
cannoli order form 2014
La Befana
(il 6 gennaio)
The Legend:
This story takes place at the time of the birth of Baby Jesus, the Christ Child. La Befana is an old woman who lives in a house in the hills of Italy. She once had a husband and child, but now lives alone. Befana spends her days sweeping and baking. One night, Befana notices a bright light in the sky, she thinks nothing of it and goes back to her work of sweeping and baking. Later, a glorious caravan led by Three Wise Men stop and ask Befana for directions to Bethlehem and invite Befanato join them in their search for the Christ Child. ButBefana is too busy and knows nothing of this far-away place nor the birth of a special baby. After the caravan disappeared over the hills, Befana thought of how much she missed her child who sadly died at a very young age. She changed her mind and wanted to visit this special child, because she loves children very much. So she placed some baked goods and gifts for the child in a sack, took her broom to help the new mother clean and raced out after the caravan in search of the Baby Jesus. Befana soon was lost. And just as she tired, angels appeared from the bright light, the magic star, in the sky to give flight to Befana on her broom – after all this was a night of miracles. She searched and searched for the Baby Jesus. Befana still searches, even today, even after all these centuries. And so, every year on the eve of the Epiphany, January 6th, whenever Befana comes to a house where there is a child, she drops in to see if it might be the child she seeks. It never is, but Befana leaves a gift anyway. For Befana has come to realize, over the years, that her searching is not vain, that in a way the Christ Child can be found in all children.
Days of the week.
lunedi` martedi` mercoledi` giovedi` venerdi` sabato domenica
Numbers 1 -30
Listen and repeat.
Ciao… mi chiamo Elisa! from North Fitzroy Primary School on Vimeo.
Benvenuti !!
Welcome to Mrs. Avantifiori’s Italian Language Classroom .
Throughout the year, I will be posting homework, assignments,
and community and club events.
This year we begin with the Italian Feast being held
Thursday, Sept. 11th – Sunday, Sept. 14th
at the
German Masonic Camp Grounds.
Join us on Sunday, Sept.14th as 12:00 to dance the Tarantella !
Practive your Italian with some fun interactive games and activites:
Carnevale and Martedi` Grasso Learn about Carnevale and Mardi Gras in Italy. Go to Watch the slide show and enjoy !! Carnevale a Venezia