Deep Study of Character/Setting: Book Club Resources

Please refer to this page for information regarding your social issues unit, and the work you need to participate in your book clubs. We will be studying how the settings in novels affect our characters, and the plot…..we will also be making note of real world issues that are occurring in our novel, and how they affect the characters.

Social Issues Reading Schedule

Discussion Questions: Review

Rules Study guide

Pictures of Hollis Woods discussion questions

Wonder Discussion Questions

2018 crash discussion questions

Social Issues Activists Videos:

Rules: Alexandra Jackman

Crash: Emily Rigal with Lady Gaga We Stop Hate

Pictures of Hollis Woods:​ max wallack



Other resources:


Setting: The time and place where/when the action of a story takes place.

Conflict: There are 2 types of conflict (problems) in a piece of literature:

INTERNAL CONFLICT: The struggles within a character.  A character has to look to themselves to make choices (often called character versus self)

EXTERNAL CONFLICT:  Struggles that take place between a character and some sort of outside force. There are 3 types of external conflict:

  1. Person vs. nature: A character is in a struggle against their external environment. This can involve adverse weather events like floods or blizzards, supernatural phenomena, disease outbreaks or isolated locations like deserted islands or remote mountains.
  2. Person vs. Person: when a character in a story goes against a rival or another character in a story.  This can be a physical altercation, or a psychological or emotional stand off.
  3. Person vs. society: A character may struggles with the conventions of the world around them.  This may be found when a character tries to change rules, laws, or the views of the society around them.


Elements of Plot Video

Definitions for plot development

Plot: The series of events in a piece of literature,

Exposition: Beginning of a story, sets the stage for the story.  Introduces and identifies the characters and conflicts.

Rising Action: All of the events in a  story that lead up to the climax.  Remember, the events are recalled in chronological order and the events build upon each other, creating suspense.

Climax:The highest point of interest or excitement in story.

Falling Action: All of the events that come after the climax.

Resolution: How the conflicts in the story are resolved.  Note how the characters have changed from the beginning to the end of the story.