Word of the Month-Self Acceptance

The word of the month is self-acceptance. In this book, I Like Myself, the main character knows she is different and special and that’s what makes her so wonderful!

Now think about what makes you special and what makes you glad to be who they are. List ten things that you like about yourself. Sometimes it is difficult to think of positive qualities about oneself. Work with others and point out positive qualities that your classmates show.

Now write three things that you like about yourself to this blog post.

Honoring Sgt. Hrbeck, U.S. Marine Corps

Mrs. Luke’s class worked with us to create a memorial wreath to honor Sgt. Christopher Hrbeck who served  with the United States Marine Corps. Sadly, he was killed in 2010 in Afghanistan at the age of 25. He was awarded a Bronze Star of Valor for saving the life of his sergeant. This wreath will be presented to his family on Friday, May 23rd at Tappan Zee Elementary.

Our two classes got together and talked about the meaning of Memorial Day. Then we focused on the life of Sgt. Christopher Hrbeck. The children decided that he was brave, loyal, kind, selfless, courageous and honorable. We thought that it would be important to let his family know that he will never be forgotten. So, we created a wreath by tracing our handprints in red, white and blue. The children truly felt empathy for his family. It was a meaningful experience for all of us.

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Word of the Month – Empathy

HeylittleantimageMay's word of the month is empathy. Empathy is the ability to recognize other people's emotions. Once you can identify the person's emotion, you develop sympathy, compassion, or understanding of the person's situation or point of view. Listen to Philip Hoose's story, Hey, Little Ant.

What would you do? Post a comment to this blog.

Try reading and acting it out with a partner using this document, Hey, Little Ant play.

Earth Day!

Take a closer look at the recycling process with Waste Management's Mr. Cool Can. This video follows paper, plastic, glass and aluminum through the waste management material recovery facility.

Now play My Garbology is an interactive game that teaches about sorting garbage for recycling, reusing, and composting. Sort garbage into four bins according to where you think each piece of garbage should go. Click the image below.
mygarbage.jjpgPost one idea on how you can reuse a water bottle!