Covered Cupboards

December is the perfect month for families to consider helping others in need. For the fourteenth year, William O. Schaefer family’s are given the opportunity to share food with the home bound and elderly residents of South Orangetown by making Covered Cupboards for the Meals on Wheels Program.

Covered Cupboards are simply made by filling shoe boxes with nutritious foods. Do not wrap paper around the lid and box or glue 3-D decorations to lids. Please just loosely tape the lid to the box. Drawings on the lids or covers is welcomed! These Covered Cupboards are delivered to seniors for use when inclement weather prohibits delivery of a hot meal.

Please drop off your Covered Cupboards at William O. Schaefer (WOS), 140 Lester Drive, Tappan, New York. The Executive Director of Meals on Wheels, Jim Burton, will pick up the Covered Cupboards at WOS on Wednesday, December 23rd.

Thank you in advance for giving so generously to the seniors in our community during this winter season.

Please refer to Covered Cupboard Food List to find out all the details, including the suggested food list. Questions can be forwarded to

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