Sophia’s dad, Mr. Terleph, was kind enough to come and share with us all he knows about gibbons and other creatures that live in the rain forests of Thailand. We watched a great power point presentation and even got to hear the cool sound that gibbons make when they are communicating with one another. Thank you so much Mr. Terleph for sharing your knowledge with us! I know it has been a few days, but can anyone remember one fact they learned? Please reply and we can find out what we have all learned. [nggallery id=16]
9 thoughts on “All About Gibbons”
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Ali remembers that gibbons eat fruit and sometimes bugs.
Gibbons can jump 30 feet (like me)!!
They sing .
I learned that the gibbons live in the rainforest. I also learned that gibbons can sing, but they don't sing when it's raining.
Gibbons are small apes with no tales.
The girl gibbons sing and the boys join in at the end
You can find a gibbon in Thailand which is far away from America.
The girl gibbons sing better than the boys
Gibbons can jump 30 feet and eat fruit snacks that POWER THEM UP!