Hello in Many Languages

Our curiosity has been peeked after the December parent visits. We learned to say hello in  three languages. Alek taught us that hello is parev in Armenian. Anita shared that helo is they way to say hello in Hungarian. Finally, Ali taught that merhaba is the way to say hello in the Turkish language.  We were hoping that we could add to this international list!  Please leave a reply if you know how to say hello in another language.

10 thoughts on “Hello in Many Languages

  1. Angelique says: South Africa has eleven official languages, in Afrikaans you can say "hullo" or "goeie dag". In Zulu you say "Sawubona". Nelson Mandela was a Xhosa and in Xhosa hello is Molo.

  2. Sophia T.  went to Thailand when she was four. She learned to say hello which is:

    For girls, "Sa-wat-dee kah"

    For boys, "Sa-wat-dee kraup"

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