
Generosity is the word of the month. This time of year we give gifts to show our appreciation and love for others. It is not always necessary to buy a gift. It is just as important to share ourselves with others. There are many ways to be charitable and unselfish. Read and listen to the books below to discover ways you can be generous without buying a present.

Listen to the story of a beautiful fish that learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions—his shimmering scales. For a printed version – click here.  What is your most prized possession? Would you be willing to share it?

Read and listen to the Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. What were all the different ways the tree gave to the boy throughout his life? Even though the tree receives nothing in return, how does giving make the tree happy, ?

  1. Have you ever given something away and later wished that you hadn’t?
  2. When you give something to someone, do you expect something in return?
  3. Would you give something you really need to someone you love if they really need it, too?

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