Waste-Free Lunch!

Can you please help the Earth Kids Club Promote 4 days of a Waste-Free Lunch, April 15th to April 18th?
Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and occurs each year on April 22nd. The Earth Kids Club would like to make EVERY DAY an Earth Day!
In order to raise awareness about our cafeteria recycling program and to promote good habits, the Earth Kids Club is asking the WOS school community to join them in their efforts to reduce the amount of trash generated and going to the landfills by packing Waste-Free Lunches.
A Waste-Free Lunch is simply reducing the amount of trash generated. Waste-free lunch programs favor the use of reusable food containers, drink containers, utensils, and napkins. They discourage the use of disposable packaging, such as prepackaged foods, plastic bags, juiceboxes and pouches, paper napkins, and disposable utensils. ZERO WASTE is our goal!
Please join us every day next week, from Monday, April 15th to Thursday, April 18th and bring your Waste-Free Lunches to school!

April’s Word of the Month- PERSISTENCE!

Be Persistent!
Overview: Persistence is the continuous effort to do or achieve something even when faced with barriers, obstacles, hurdles, snags and stumbling blocks.

Assembly Read Aloud: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems

When the Bus Driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place—a pigeon! But you’ve never met a pigeon like this one before.

Songs on YouTube About Persistence:

Books on YouTube About Persistence:

Word of the Month: Compassion!

Compassion: Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Be compassionate!


Assembly Read Aloud: We’re All Wonders by R.J. Palacio

I know I can’t change the way I look. But maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see . . .Wonder is the unforgettable story of August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. …

Read Other Books About Compassion:

Sing Songs about Compassion:

Listen to Books about Compassion on YouTube:


Word of the Month: Kindness!

Be kind!

K is for kindness! It’s a simple word, it’s true, but it’s amazing what a word can do! How will you be kind today? Small actions make a big difference! Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. PASS IT ON!

Assembly Read Aloud: Pass It On by Sophy Henn

When you see something terrific, smile a smile and pass it on! If you chance upon a chuckle, hee hee hee and pass it on. Should you spot a thing of wonder, jump for joy and Pass It On!

Read More Books About Kindness!

  • The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig
  • Come With Me by Holly McGhee
  • Pass it On by Sophy Henn
  • Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler by Margery Cuyler
  • Heartprints by PK Hallinan
  • Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
  • I Like Your Buttons by Sarah Marwil Lamstein
  • How Full is Your Bucket? (for kids) by Tom Rath
  • What Does It Mean to Be Kind? by Rana DiOrio
  • A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead
  • Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss
  • Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
  • Good People Everywhere by Lynea Gillen
  • The Monster Who Lost His Mean by Tiffany Strelitz Haber
  • Because Amelia Smiled by David Ezra Stein

Sing Songs About Kindness!

Read About Kindness with books from YouTube!

Happy Thanksgiving from Room 2!

Here they are making turkeys for Turkey Day! We had to carefully follow several steps to make this craft. That was easy for these first graders who just finished writing there own “How to” books!  Thank you to our class ambassadors for sending in donuts and apple cider and the craft!  Also, thanks to the parent volunteers who helped our students make the craft!  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

We are Germ Smart!

We learned about germs today…yuck! They are everywhere! We read a book called “Germs! Germs! Germs!” by Bobbi Katz, that taught us all about where germs live, how they spread, and what we can do to keep germs out of our bodies! Then we experimented with water, pepper and soap. We watched as the soap repelled the germs (pepper grinds). We sprinkled germs (glitter) on our hands and gave each other “high fives”…and, wow, those germs spread fast! Finally we practiced washing our hands with warm water and soap! Scrub for at least 20 seconds! Thank you Mrs. Kalishian and Mr. Shaw for volunteering to help us with this important lesson!

First Grade Writing Celebration!

Here we are right after our Writing Celebration…so proud!   

Did you hear?  All of the first grade students got to visit with LAST year’s kindergarten classmates to share their Small Moment stories!  But the best part was when the kindergarten teachers made a surprise visit to hear our stories!  Lots of smiles and hugs went around!  Congratulations to all of the fantastic first grade authors and illustrators!