Patriot Day

51QG4Z60YALOn September 11th horrific events occurred, yet through the simple text and vibrant art of first graders, we are reminded that the world continued the next day. On each page, children experience the comforts of ordinary routines, such as their teacher reading books to them, having homework and recess, and knowing that 2 + 2 still equals 4. This is a poignant message of hope that reassures us all that even after bad things happen, tomorrow always brings a new day.

2 thoughts on “Patriot Day

    • Hi Jonathan! So nice to hear from you! The school year is going well! I have a terrific class this year and we are off to a great start!
      Yes, Jonathan, I do know the story of the man in the red bandana. It’s an amazing story. A true American hero don’t you think?

      Thank you so much for visiting my classroom blog! I hope you have a great school year!

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