The Change Your Name Store

The Change Your Name Store by Leanne Shirtliffe (Author), Tina Kügler (Illustrator) Wilma Lee Wu does not like her name. So she marches to the Change Your Name Store where she meets Zeena McFouz, the outrageous owner. Soon Zeena convinces Wilma to try on new names in the magical store. Each time Wilma selects a new name, she is transported to the country from which the name originates. Will Wilma find a new name that she likes? Will she discover her real identity and where she truly belongs?

Today in library we asked tthe class to generate a fictitious name. The students used the name of their pet and paired it with the name of the street they live on! 

Please share your ficticious charcter with the class by posting in the comment section below. Tell us a little bit about your character, What does he do?  If you would like you can respond to a classmates character post. Remember to be respectful. 

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