Rebus Puzzles

A rebus is a puzzle device which combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters to depict words and/or phrases.   Remember when you needed pictures to help your read a story – When Small is Tall.  Now you need pictures to give you clues to solve puzzles.



Here are two examples:

Let’s have fun practicing, drawing our own and/or generating with a computer – Rebus Generator.


The tangram is a puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap. It is one of the most popular puzzles in the world. Tangrams are an excellent way to increase mental and visual skills. Using imagination, geometrical shapes, letters, numbers, figures, boats, animals and objects can bring great fun along with a challenge.

Let’s play online!


Swish is a spatial card game that challenges you to be the first to make matches, or “Swishes.” Swishes are made by stacking as few as two or as many as 12 cards so that every ball swishes into a hoop of the same color. The player with the most matches at the end of the game wins. Let’s have some ThinkFun!

Top Secret

You have been working diligently on breaking codes with numbers and colors.  Now it is time for letters and symbols.

Codes have been around for a very long time. Throughout history, world events have changed because of secret messages. Sometimes, however, it is important that only a few people understand the message. In the world of cryptology, codes are used to make messages secret by changing the words into something else. In order for your friends to understand the coded message, they need the key!

Next, you will learn about different codes, how to make codes, and what to look for when trying to break a code. Let’s start with the Polyalphabetic Substitution Ciphers.


Try these online secret messages:


We Broke Out!

Breakout EDU brings gaming to our classroom. Breakout sessions present players with a challenge that encourages teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting. Let’s continue using these skills when solving mysteries, logic puzzles, riddles and online Breakout sessions.

Try – Terri Eicholz’ Feebo, Not Chee
(When you type in your name to the google form, please use “McBride” as your last name.)


TEAMWORK: According to, teamwork is the cooperative and coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.

Your class will be arranged into groups. Each group will be assigned a problem to solve in order to unlock one of the locks. Go to this site – TEAMWORK. Click on the letter in the word “teamwork” that your group is assigned, and the link will take you to the directions of your task.

Pico, Fermi, Bagel

Today we will look at the logic that underlies the game “Pico, Fermi, Bagel”.

How to Play:
The game begins with one person secretly choosing a number with no repeated digits. We will start with a three digit number. Then others attempt to guess the number, and the one who chose the number responds to each guess as follows:

  • If the guess has no numbers correct, they respond: “Bagel.”
  • For each digit when the guess is correct but in the wrong place, respond: “Pico.”
  • For each digit when the guess is correct and in the correct place, respond: “Fermi.”
  • When all three digits are correct and in the correct place, respond: “CREAM CHEESE.”

We will play a few rounds of the game together, and then try to solve a couple problems related to the game.

Play this game at home with family or play online here – Pic, Fermi, Bagel