September 24th is Punctuation Day! Punctuation Day argues that the correct use of apostrophes, semicolons and other punctuation is critical if you’re to get your (rather than, say, you’re) message across. If you’ve spotted any examples of bad punctuation, take Punctuation Day as an opportunity to share them out and to promote awareness!
These fun books are great reads to help you celebrate Punctuation Day.
The Exclamation Mark by Amy Rosenthal is great way to express who we are and how we want to leave our mark this year. “So with his head held high, he went make his mark.” How will you make your mark this year? Post your comment below with your exclamation!
Extra time? Check out this great punctuation game for kids.
I will leave my mark with creativity! I will put post-its with creative pictures on them, and put them on the school walls.
I wil make my mark by being friendly and kind. I will invite people to sit with me at lunch or play at recess