12 thoughts on “I.S. Activity: White Socks Only

  1.    The little girl showed the grown-ups that you can fry an egg on the cement if it if hot enough day. When she got to the part of town she craked the egg on the cement next she watched the egg fry on the ground. Finally she started dancing around. Thats what the little girl showed the grown-ups in town.

  2. This is are new one
    Thomas,Max, Dominic and Eoighan . We think that the grown up showed the little girl by taking off there shoes and getting a drink of water when there was a white only sign on the fountain. The black people kept drinking and finally got so angry he started smacking people with his belt.Next the chicken man came and started drinking from the fountain for a very long time he was so short he didn't have to bend over that much.Last the white man just gave up and that sign came down. 🙂

  3. Sorry I just posted I was still writing.:(
    The town helped her because they didnt think it was ok that the white man was yelling at the girl. So they all took off there shoes and got up on the stool and got a drink. It was important because they cared about her and they didnt think the way she was being treated was ok.

  4. her mouth was really dry so she took off her shoes and took a drink then i white man came up to her and knocked her of and said am i going to wup you till you can''t  🙁 stand up then other black people started coming up and taking drinks form the fountian 🙁 😀 🙂 🙂 🙂 then they all lived happly ever after 🙁 nooooooooooooooooooo

  5. There was a reason that the man was mad at the little black girl. The reason was that Segration was going on in that time. The other reason was that the black girl was taking a sip from a white person only water fountain and the white people saw her . So they got mad at her. Thats what happened in the story white socks only.

  6. The white man was mad at the girl because she drank out of the water fountant and it sad whites only. The girl thought she had to take off her shoes and have her white socks on so she thought that was white. Then abunch of black people took of there shoes and took a sip out of the water fountant. the white man got reall yangry and yelled at all of them. then the chicken man took a long drink then helped the little girl up. then the little black girl ran home and told her mom what happend.That is what happend in the story white socks. 

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