845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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This month’s challenge needs your creativity and persuasion skills. A Book Bottle Buddy is a character from a book to encourage others to read that book. These Book Bottle Buddies will be on display, so when others walk past they will be inspired to read the book.

For the book bottle buddy, you will make a person/animal out of a bottle that represents the character you’ve written about.

1. Use a 2-liter plastic bottle for the body – partially filled with sand/pebbles for stability.
2. Use a stuffed sock or Styrofoam ball for the head.
3. Please do not purchase doll’s heads, legs, etc.
4. Use yarn/paper for hair.
5. Use material/paper for clothing.
6. Complete the entry form – Book Bottle Buddy Entry Form
7. Place your book (with your name on the inside cover), entry form and Book Bottle Buddy on display.
7. Have fun!

All entries are due Wednesday, November 21st!