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xtwins.png.pagespeed.ic.Le4MbypVs0 (1)Who are the Zimmer Twins? Edgar and Eva Zimmer are an ordinary pair of 12 year-olds except for one thing – they have psychic powers. They weren’t always psychic though. The weirdness began when they adopted a black cat named 13.
On zimmertwins.com you create your own endings to one of their story starters. You may also create your stories from scratch. So put on your director’s hat and you might just be our next featured movie maker!

You can only SAVE your work when you join or login to zimmertwins.com To join, you must have the approval of your parents. They can help you create your own account by going HERE.

Zimmer Twins is great way to be creative and learn story construction even if you cannot save your work! Need an idea???? Create a movie about going to school all year! Have Fun!
Go here to learn how to make a Zimmer Twins movie.