Welcome Back!

Hi All and Welcome Back to another year at SOMS library! If you’re just joining us, you’re going to love it here! Let me properly introduce myself. I’m Mrs. Landgraff, your Library Media Specialist. Together with the help of library clerk Mrs. Bonardi, I run the library. The SOMS Library is YOUR space. I encourage you to stop by often to use our resources. Besides checking out books, you have access to Google Chromebooks and a space to gather to do group work. Mrs. Landgraff will be hosting a new Student Library Advisory Board and offering Library Clinics during your lunch/study hall periods. If you are interested in finding a book, learning more about Landgraff’s Library Clinics, the new SLAB (Student Library Advisory Board) or just want to keep up with what’s going on in the library be sure to visit our page for updates. SOMS Library-Your Space-SOMS Useful!

To be considered for the new Student Library Advisory Board, click here SLAB FORM to apply.