June’s Word of the month: Reflection

Look how we have grown!
Reflection is the willingness to learn about yourself. What have I achieved and what else do I need to do?

Assembly Read Aloud:

31JNlNhoafL._AC_US160_The OK Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

OK is turned on its side, upside down, and right side up to show that being OK can really be quite great. Whether OK personifies an OK skipper, an OK climber, an OK lightning bug catcher, or an OK whatever there is to experience, ok is an OK place to be. And being OK just may lead to the discovery of what makes one great.

Additional Titles:


517XUfGN5WL._AC_US160_If Kids Ran the World by Leo & Diane Dillon

51jkkUMUAGL._AC_US160_Cookies by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

51kBYzQCfLL._AC_US160_I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson

617dOnzodXL._AC_US160_What I like About Me! by Allia Zobel Nolan


Look how students have grown. (i.e. Look back at samples of work, Quick writes, handwriting, self portraits, etc.)
A Memory Book can be used to reflect upon the past year.
Thinking back to the beginning of school, what was I not able to do that I can do now?
What do I remember about meeting my teacher, friends, etc. for the first time?
How did I feel about going to school or riding the bus?
What did I want to learn and have I achieved that?
How have I grown as a person and as a member of the WOS community?

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