Winter Olympics 2018

Tonight is the opening ceremony for the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea. There are so many opportunities to learn about winter sporting events, countries around the world and athletes. Here are a few links:

  • Mrs. Ramirez friend, Stacy Spletzer, is working with athletes for WADA. Watch her videos and send her questions here, Greetings from the Winter Olympics.
  • Mrs. Wagner’s Winter Olympics Online Scavenger Hunt. You can find fun facts, create Olympic rings and/or learn the science behind sports.
  • The official 2018 Winter Olympics website – PyeongChang 2018 will host the XXIII Olympic Winter Games. Find voting results and all the latest news as South Korea prepares for the Games.

Snow Day!

How did you spend your snow day? Did you have a nice relaxing lazy day? Were you crafty and creative? Did you spend your day reading or gaming? Make any snowmen? Snowball fight? Check in and let Ms. Early know…I will share my pics too…

Enjoy your snow day!

Snowperson Challenge

It is time to get those creative juices going again! Mrs. McBride is offering an opportunity to put your skills to work. Entries are due January 26th and must be decorated to show your uniqueness and/or passion. Find out more details for this month’s challenge here – The Snow Person Challenge.


“Forgiveness does not change the past,but it does enlarge the future.”
~ Paul Boese

Forgiveness is Cottage Lane’s Superpower of the month. At our assembly, The Forgiver reminded us about the importance of forgiveness and new beginnings. Please visit the Forgiveness Assembly page for additional songs and videos.

Below is our poem for the month, “New Beginnings”. A New Year’s Resolution is a tradition which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, beginning on New Year’s Day. One way we can better ourselves is to forgive.

Choose one or more of the questions below and write a comment:

  • Are some mistakes easier to forgive than others? Explain.
  • Why is it sometimes difficult to forgive others?
  • What are some ways you can be more forgiving?

As a school community we will place our thumbprints on a dove. These doves will represent the peace in our hearts that will bring peace to the world!