December is Empathy

Empathy is the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions.

  • Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  • Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes.
  • Empathy makes the world a better place.

November is Gratitude

Cottage Lane will be growing a gratitude tree. The gratitude tree will show everyone that we appreciate the small things in life, are grateful for everything they have, are mindful of the things that are going right in their lives and hold people in our lives close to our hearts.

In your writing journal write daily gratitude responses. Feel free to go above and beyond and say thank you to others, write them a letter and share that letter with them. After 7 days of gratitude responses, receive a leaf for your teacher and add it to the CLE gratitude tree. If you need writing prompts, try these:

  • It was a good moment today when __________________.
  • I’m glad I had the opportunity to _________________ this week.
  • Thinking about _______________ makes me feel good.
  • I like seeing _______________________ in nature.
  • I’m grateful I’ve accomplished ________________ in my life.
  • I learned _________________ from a challenge.
  • ______________ always makes me smile.
  • Additional gratitude writing prompts can be found here.


October is Acceptance

This month we celebrate and practice ACCEPTANCE!

  • Acceptance is the willingness to embrace feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.
  • Acceptance is the ability to experience or survive something unpleasant.
  • Acceptance is the willingness to tolerate a difficult or unpleasant situation.
  • We all have the human need and right to be accepted.

Here is a recording introducing and pronouncing Duncan Tonatiuh.

Sylvia Mendez (left), 73, talks to her sister Sandra Mendez Duran (right), 59, about Mendez v. Westminster, their family’s 1945 lawsuit that won Mexican-American children the right to attend white schools. Listen to them speak here, Story Corps – Mendez.

What surprised you about this story?

September is Courage

Welcome back to an exciting school year! This year’s character education is bursting with color.

September is scarlet red for COURAGE. Starting a new year with new teachers, new classmates and new expectations takes courage. Being brave, making sacrifices, facing fears, admitting mistakes are all ways to show courage.

At our assembly, we learned how ordinary people found the courage to do extraordinary things. Welles Crowther, The Man in the Red Bandanna, was one of many amazing people who were courageous on September 11, 2001.