The Royal Bee: Perseverance

Welcome to an exciting New Year, and may you reach all your goals in 2016. Today’s assembly, Colors of Character for January, reminds us that perseverance is essential to success. Continue reading The Royal Bee and be inspired by this true story to reach your own personal goals.

Let’s create a class motto to remind us to persevere when things are challenging.

Building a Tarpul

What did you learn about soil compaction today? How will this help you with the site plan for the tarpul?


Accepting others for who they are and even ourselves for that matter is a great quality. Too often we are quick to talk about others or put ourselves down. Watch this award winning animation about a dog’s twisted tale.

What does this video teach us about acceptance. Try to find something similar and something different with others around you. Use the “We/Me” flip worksheet at home and in school.

Our book of the month is The Yellow Star by Carmen Deedy. After reading and listening to the Legend of King Christian X of Denmark, explain why the author titled the book The Yellow Star. What does the yellow star symbolize?