Light It Up Blue!

On Tuesday and Friday, please wear blue. As a school community, we are going to show our support for Autism Awareness and our monthly assembly, Respect! This is a great time to show respect for others and others diagnosed with Autism. What else can you do? Please...

World Down Syndrome Day…Get Your Crazy Socks On!

March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD.) “It is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. Down Syndrome International (DSI) encourages friends all over the world to raise awareness of what Down Syndrome is,...

For The Birds…

What is the message behind this film? What do you think the “author” wants you to know or feel? Add a comment below. Be prepared to discuss your thinking in class.

March Madness Book Challenge 2019

Kids love sports and it seems they spend most of their afternoons and weekends involved in some type of athletic event. Additionally, being a New Yorker, basketball is serious business. This makes March Madness the perfect event to merge the students’ love of...

February is Compassion

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~ Dalai Lama This month at Cottage Lane we are focusing on compassion. At today’s assembly, we discussed the meaning of compassion and how we can show compassion...

January is Perseverance

Welcome to an exciting New Year, and may you achieve all your goals in 2019. This month’s assembly, Colors of Character for January, reminds us that perseverance is essential to success. What can you learn from: Understanding Talent Your Brain on Books Ezra...