Weekly Blog Question 12/8/14

Question suggested by Jennifer:

What is your favorite holiday? Tell us why.

So you should answer like this, ” My favorite holiday is_____________. This is my favorite holiday because ___________________. Remember to include WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHEN if you can. It must be in sentence form! Not a list:)

15 thoughts on “Weekly Blog Question 12/8/14

  1. My favorite holiday is CHRISTMAS. This is my favorite holiday because its Jesus birthday and Santa Claus gives us presets if we are good.And its
    on December 25.

  2. My favorite holiday is Christmas because we get lots of presents. I get really excited to open the presents. I get lots of toys. I play with them all.

  3. My favorite holiday is Christmas! It is because I get to see all of my cousins, also because that was the day Jesus was born. The presents are a plus. Early Christmas morning my family and I look in our stockings and open presents around the tree. We celebrate this day because, this was the day Jesus was born.

  4. My favorite holiday is Christmas. This is my favorite holiday because Santa comes to my house and brings presents. I also like to spend time with my family. Every year we spend Christmas at my cousins house or my house.

  5. My favorite holiday is Halloween. I like it because you get candy.I love candy! I also get chocolate too. Sometimes I go to a different street. I usually stay on my street. I usually go with my brother, my dad, and my sister. Sometimes I go with my brother, my brother’s friends, and my sister. I also like giving out the candy. We usually give out twizzlers and Wonka candy. Iike seeing other people’s costumes. I like the costumes so much!

  6. My favorite holiday is Christmas.This is my favorite holiday because sometimes my family celebrates my birthday on Christmas and I get extra presents!!!

  7. I love CHRISTMAS because I get to spend most of the time with family and friends. I also like all the presents I get. Jesus’ birthday is very important because he saved us all by sacrifice his life for us.

  8. My favorite holiday is Christmas because it is Jesus birthday and Santa comes to all the nice girls and boys on the 25th of December. I stay at my house and eat with my Grandma and Grandpa. I also love Christmas because you get to spend time with family and friends. My favorite Christmas movie is the Polar Express.

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